Sunday, October 8, 2023

Blog #7: Innovation

During each generation, there usually is some big innovation that changes the way people live their way of life. By looking at the innovation of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat through the lens of The Diffusion Theory, we can understand why these trends caught on with the public. 

At first, there were the innovators. These were the people who were willing to take risks and were typically the first to adopt new technologies. When the product first came out, they were the ones who saw the potential and what it could be. These social media platforms caught on so quickly because it was a new way to communicate and access information. This was a big step in the 21st century and was a big factor in how our future will be different than our past. 

There were different adopters to this new trend. Some early adopters were people that have a higher degree of opinion leadership. There then is the early majority and these people adapt to the new technology right before it becomes mainstream. They have above average social status and are influenced by the early adopters. 

Then there are the late majority members and they are more skeptical about adopting innovations and do so after the majority of society has already adopted. There finally are the last people. They may be influenced by their close social circles. 

The benefit of this technology is that it gives people a choice. It also gives people a way to be more connected, to stay more updated with the current news, and could even help professionally with jobs. People will see the benefits and the good use of the product and choose and have the option to use it, but some may not which still makes it acceptable. 

There are benefits and negatives to adapting to a new technological advancement. Ultimately, the decision to adopt a new communication technology, like social media, should be based on a careful consideration of the benefits and drawbacks in a specific context. Weighing the potential advantages against any potential negative consequences will make a decision that aligns with that person in the best way.

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