Sunday, September 10, 2023

Blog #1: News and Information

Tiktok: Tiktok is a platform that I have been using for a couple of years now to obtain important news and information. I’m not someone who often watches the news, so this app has been very helpful in gathering information about news around the world. Because the videos on Tiktok are only short clips ranging from fifteen seconds to three minutes, it's an easy way for people to quickly watch a video and move on with their day. There have been times where this platform has informed me of political issues, relevant court cases, and celebrity news. Tiktok is a great place to find information in video form, and is a great way for people to connect with each other to share current news.

Instagram: Instagram has been a very crucial outlet for news and information in our society today. This is an outlet I have used for a while now, and personally this has become the main source I go to for current information. News tends to surface the fastest on this platform, and it has become a way for people to share their own personal opinions publicly. This has become a place where celebrity figures can announce news and have the public respond instantly. It is a great way to obtain current information, and I highly suggest this as a useful source. 

The New York Times: The New York times is a great and credible source to find information. I personally do not check this source often, but I always know its there if I need information about a certain topic. You will always know that this source is reliable, therefore the details in the article are always true. It is easily accessible via the internet or a hand held copy, which makes it an easy source to find if needed. I highly recommend the New York Times as an outlet for news, as it has a large selection of topics and is a very credible source.

BBC News: BBC news is a broadcasting service that I discovered through a class in high school. It reports on news all around the world, which can be great for people who want to learn about international information. This source can be found on television, radio stations, or through their website. It is very credible and well known service that offers over 40 different language options as well. I would highly recommend using BBC news for information, and more specifically for people looking to find international news.

Podcasts: Podcasts are one of my favorite ways to be informed about news because of how easy they are to listen to even if you are busy. Whether you are cleaning, driving, cooking, on a run, podcasts are great to have on in the background. Because they are becoming more and more popular, there is a plethora of networks that can keep you updated with up and coming information. There is such a wide variety of topics to choose from, and many different people you can chose to listen to, making it easy to listen however you want, about whatever you want. I love listening to podcasts on a day to day basis, and I encourage others to use it too. 


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