Sunday, September 10, 2023

Blog #2: The Supreme Court


Reading into the history of the Supreme Court, I found an interesting piece of information. The initial case of the Supreme Court's trial, West v. Barnes, was interesting to me because in its first case, the Supreme Court didn't tackle a large case. It was a regular financial dispute between a farmer and a family he owed money to. 

It's interesting to see how even the most important institutions can start off dealing with normal minute transactions. This reminds us that the United States was founded on democratic principles, where even the highest court had real and legitimate foundations.

I believe that the Supreme Court has many important takeaways, but among all the things we've learned, the most important takeaway is that it’s at the top of all federal courts in the United States.

The nations we live in today were entirely set up by the U.S. Constitution, and the Supreme Court’s main job is to make sure laws follow the rules in the Constitution. But it does more than that, it's a big part of the system that makes sure no one branch of the government gets too powerful. It can stop the President and Congress from doing things that go against the Constitution. It essentially is a barrier between right and wrong in our legislature. 

As I explored more information about the history of the Supreme Court, I found a surprising aspect of when it first was created. I found that Supreme Court justices had to travel all over the country. They had to hold court sessions twice a year in each judicial circuit, which covered a big section of the nation.

Back in that time, this much travel was considered vast, and it was not easy to travel all that way. It showed how dedicated the members of the Supreme Court were to making sure the law was followed, even when it meant dealing with tough travel conditions.

Once I read more about how the Supreme Court started, my understanding of how it shaped this nation has changed. It's made me admire its history more and appreciate how hard the people at that time worked and fought for what they believed.

Knowing that they mostly dealt with logistical issues at first shows that they were practical about getting things started. It also shows how the Supreme Court grew from its basic beginnings into a vital part of how America is run today.

This information made me realize how crucial the Supreme Court is in making sure the Constitution and the founding ideas of the United States are understood in today’s society.

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